A Comprehensive Guide to Team-Building with Digital Scavenger Hunts

team-building puzzle

Create Fantastic Team-Building Experiences with TurfHunt

Team-building is more than just a buzzword; it’s a crucial element in enhancing employee morale and productivity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in online and virtual team-building activities skyrocketed by nearly 2500%, highlighting the importance of maintaining team cohesion even when working remotely. According to Gallup, feelings of employee isolation can reduce productivity by up to 21% (source: Teambuilding). Engaging in team-building activities like digital scavenger hunts can bridge this gap and foster a collaborative and supportive work environment.

The Importance of Team-Building Activities

Employees are an enterprise’s most valuable resource, and team-building activities are essential for fostering collaboration, boosting morale, and enhancing productivity. These activities encourage team members to work together, communicate effectively, and develop problem-solving skills. Outdoor activities such as scavenger hunts have gained popularity as great team-building exercises. By engaging in these activities, teams can strengthen their bonds and improve their overall performance.

The concept of team-building dates back to the 1920s with the Hawthorne Studies, which examined how different conditions affected worker productivity and cohesion. Today, team-building activities are a common practice to develop effective work teams by fostering interaction and cohesion.

Using TurfHunt for Team-Building Scavenger Hunts

TurfHunt, a treasure hunt game app developed by Locatify, is increasingly popular for creating engaging and effective team-building events. Originally developed for educational purposes, TurfHunt has become a favorite for businesses seeking innovative team-building activities.

Features of TurfHunt

  • Location-Based Games: Use GPS navigation to trigger challenges automatically at specific locations.
  • Virtual Games: Play from anywhere, perfect for virtual teams scattered across the globe.
  • Various Challenge Types: Video and photo challenges, multiple-choice questions, single-answer questions, open-ended questions, memory card games, jigsaw puzzles, and drawing challenges.
  • Team or Individual Play: Players can either compete in teams or individually.
  • Scoreboard: The game results are displayed on a scoreboard visible within the app.
  • Social Sharing: Photos uploaded during challenges can be shared on social media directly from the app or downloaded by the game admin.

Creating a Game with TurfHunt

Games are created online via the Locatify Builder and published to TurfHunt. Managers and event organizers can quickly create customized treasure hunt games from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical setup. This flexibility makes TurfHunt an ideal tool for busy managers looking for efficient and engaging team-building solutions.

Benefits of Using Digital Scavenger Hunts for Team-Building

Digital scavenger hunts provide a fun and interactive way to promote team bonding. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Enhanced Communication: Team members must communicate effectively to solve challenges.
  2. Problem-Solving Skills: Participants develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Collaboration: Teams work together to achieve common goals, strengthening their bonds.
  4. Morale Boost: Engaging activities can significantly boost team morale and motivation.
  5. Remote Accessibility: Virtual scavenger hunts allow remote teams to participate, fostering inclusivity.

Branded Apps for Team-Building

Locatify also offers branded apps for team-building businesses. A recent example is the Onigo app, which facilitates outdoor adventure games. The Onigo app combines clever twists and cryptic puzzles with advanced gamification techniques to motivate engagement and maximize fun. Participants must visit locations, solve puzzles, and earn points in a themed mission against the clock.

Onigo App Features

  • Penalty Points: Apply penalty points for using hints or not finishing challenges on time.
  • Game Sharing: Share published games and invitation codes with facilitators on location.
  • Mobile Administration: Start the game from a mobile device without logging into the Locatify Builder.


Team-building activities like scavenger hunts are an effective way to promote communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills among participants. The TurfHunt app has gained popularity for team-building companies and managers looking to enhance productivity and morale. For those seeking their own branded apps, solutions like Onigo demonstrate that these games can be easily monetized while providing an exceptional experience for players.