How Nature Play WA are Enhancing Outdoor Learning Adventures with Locatify

In Western Australia, where nature’s beauty is abundant, keeping children connected to the outdoors in a tech-driven world is a challenge. Nature Play WA is meeting this challenge head-on by blending technology with outdoor exploration. Teaming up with Locatify, a company specializing in location-based experiences and branded apps, Nature Play WA is changing the game of outdoor education with interactive scavenger hunt activities. Check out how it works in this video.

Unveiling Play Trails: Interactive Outdoor Adventures

Nature Play WA aims to make outdoor adventures more exciting by offering scavenger hunt activities through the Play Trails app, developed with the help of Locatify. From vast national parks to historical sites, Play Trails encourages families to explore Western Australia’s diverse landscapes. By seamlessly blending technology with outdoor exploration, Play Trails innovatively promotes outdoor engagement among children.

Benefits Beyond Boundaries: Nurturing Holistic Development

Play Trails goes beyond just fun; it plays a vital role in fostering holistic child development. It promotes physical fitness, mental well-being, social interaction, and environmental awareness. Through interactive challenges along the trail, children not only exercise their bodies and minds but also develop creativity, resilience, and a strong bond with nature. Each step taken on PlayTrails becomes a learning experience, shaping the leaders and caretakers of the future. Nature play found themselves inspired by the perspectives on nature, community and family of American author Richard Louv in his 2005 book “Last Child in the Woods”

Empowering Communities: Embracing Collaborative Learning

As Nature Play WA leads the charge in outdoor exploration, its impact resonates across community organizations, municipalities, and educational institutions alike. Leveraging Locatify’s platform, communities can craft custom scavenger hunt experiences that reflect their distinct landscapes and cultural heritage. Whether in a neighborhood park or exploring a historical site, Play Trails empowers communities to instill a sense of wonder and discovery in the younger generation.

Embracing Outdoor Adventure: Inspiring Tomorrow’s Explorers

In a world dominated by screens and digital diversions, Nature Play WA and Locatify are leading a revival of outdoor exploration. By merging technology with nature, they’ve opened the door to endless adventures and enriched learning experiences. As municipalities, schools, and councils venture into promoting outdoor engagement, PlayTrails’ legacy shines as a source of lasting inspiration. Let’s join hands to embrace the wonders of the outdoors and spark a sense of adventure in every child, step by step.