Enjoy a Play and Nature Walk
An unknown object in the bag area of my soul is an interactive play which takes place in Heidmörk when it suits the audiences and at the pace they choose. This event is a part of Reykjavík Art Festival. Those who want to enjoy the play and nature at the same time download the Locatify Smartguide app on their phones. Then they follow a pre-determined path and listen to the play while walking, and the progress of the play is directly related to their location. The environment thus becomes a vivid setting for this unexpected narrative, where nature, humanity and technology perform their delicate dance. The play is written and directed by Tryggvi Gunnarsson. Valdimar Jóhannsson is in charge of sound processing and music. Actors are Hilmir Jensson, Sólveig Guðmundsdóttir and Hannes Óli Ágústsson. The project is supported by the Artists’ Employment Fund and the Drama Council and is produced in collaboration with Ósómi þjóðar.
The Play is a Part of the Art Festival in Reykjavík
Reykjavík Arts Festival takes place from June 1st – June 16th 2024. It hosts outstanding artistic creations and nurturs a powerful and vibrant relationship with its audiences so they may enjoy the arts on their own terms. Reykjavík Arts Festival celebrates diversity and respect for the environment in all decision making. It is driven by courage, professionalism, joy and big thinking. The play An unknown object in the bag area of my soul, falls under that perspective.
This year’s program features a great variety of events. There are many exciting art events happening as written in the program where everyone can find something interesting to view and listen to.
How to Enjoy the Play
Locatify Smartguide is an audio app developed by Locatify. It hosts a collection of tours which users can access from the app home page and now this exciting interactive play as well. SmartGuide is suitable for anyone who wants to engage, or help people to engage, with their surroundings. It is perfect for explorers, tour operators, museums, municipalities and heritage organisations who want to connect people and places using technology.