Can I change a tour after I’ve published it?
admin-locatify2022-03-21T19:44:42+00:00Yes, you can very easily make changes to a tour even if you've already published it. Simply make your changes and select Republish!
Yes, you can very easily make changes to a tour even if you've already published it. Simply make your changes and select Republish!
Learn how to build a tour guide in our CMS and publish it so SmartGuide in this step by step tutorial with images
You can import a game or a tour you have exported to reuse the points and content.
Did you upload a custom pin and can't see it on the map in the CMS? Don't worry, even if you can't see it in the CMS, you will see
Here is an example of a link that you can add to your Game Over Message and or to your tour or game description. Place it in between the quotation
Yes, you can use HTML to add a hyperlink to open a URL. This can be done in a tour or game and in any template where there is a
You have the option to "Show tour in-app" in the Settings when building a tour. This means anyone can see and download the tour from the app. Alternatively, you can choose
1. Download the SmartGuide app to your phone or tablet To test your game you'll need to firstly download the Locatify SmartGuide app from the Apple App Store or Google Play
A point (or “station” for indoor projects) contains the information that will be shown when the point is triggered in the game or tour. By default, your point can include
Yes, this a premium feature that can be found under Settings - General Settings. Here you can export your tour point locations and content. To import a tour, click