What’s the difference between destination and information points?
admin-locatify2022-02-24T09:58:41+00:00Only destination points can be connected together, information points are optional to visit in a tour and cannot be connected.
Only destination points can be connected together, information points are optional to visit in a tour and cannot be connected.
If you want to hide the treasure locations from the map and have players find them in sequential order, connect them together with the Connect Pins Tool.
With the Create Path Tool, you can create a visual line for your players or users to follow on the map.
Learn how to create a treasure hunt game in the Locatify CMS and publish it to TurfHunt in this step by step tutorial with images
You can import a game or a tour you have exported to reuse the points and content.
(This article is about a premium feature. For plans and pricing, click here) Custom pins are a great way to visually represent your locations, sponsors or to match your brand.
This video shows you how to create an indoor tour or game using Locatify Creator CMS and no location technology, meaning that the Stations show up as a list in
1. How to join a game There are three ways to join a game. a) Select a game from the map b) Select game from list
Did you upload a custom pin and can't see it on the map in the CMS? Don't worry, even if you can't see it in the CMS, you will see
Here is an example of a link that you can add to your Game Over Message and or to your tour or game description. Place it in between the quotation