BAM Homestudios is an innovative experience centre which provides home buyers the chance to get inspired and customise their dream home and visualise the final product before purchasing.
Cover a 4,800m2 warehouse with 30cm indoor positioning accuracy. The warehouse included multiple full-scale houses, apartments and a variety of signal blocking elements such as bricks, steel and A/C units. Positioning data needed to communicate with screens and tablet devices to enable the user experience.
The RTLS comprises a network of 100+ UWB Anchors strategically positioned throughout the venue and 50x Samsung tablets with embedded UWB tracking tags and a custom Android app. Customers create a user profile in the app, and are presented with location-based information and options for customising their house as they move through the complex. The users profile and choices are then synced with nearby touch screens and the final design can be viewed in Virtual Reality. Read installation story here.
The Process
This project involved consultation with various partners, being experts in their fields, to deliver the unique experience.