Queen B is an initiative of Studio LONK and Ditt Officemakers in partnership with IBM, Locatify, B Building Amsterdam and Nexton.
The project goal was to create a futuristic AI smart office concept using the latest sensor, AI and computing technology. The concept was designed to explore a possible future scenario for Work and the Workplace, and to explore what role data and technology plays in this scenario.
Locatify installed a UWB indoor positioning system as one of the many data inputs which empowered Queen B. Participants signed up with the service, answered some questions and voice and facial recognition was used to create a personal profile. Participants were given a wristband with a tracking tag which fed the participants location to Queen B in real-time via an API. Based on the participants profile and behaviour, Queen B then provided voice messages to guide the users behaviour throughout the day.
“The location-based technologies from Locatify ensured that participants could be traced everywhere in the workplace and were personally and locally addressed by the AI system “Queen B”. The aim of the project is to conduct a discussion around the data-driven workplace with parties that have actual influence on the realisation of this future.
By critically exploring the ethical frameworks together, we hope for a conscious implementation of AI in the workplace. It was super interesting to talk to Locatify about the role of their technologies in this possible future and where they hope it will goes.”
– Celine de Waal Malefijt, Co-founder, Studio Lonk

The Process
Quick setup, thoughtfully chosen templates and an easy to use content management system makes it easy for anyone to get an app.