
MAGMA UNESCO Global Geopark is a large area with 46 locations of unique geology and cultural heritage in southwest Norway. The Geopark features many diverse and breathtaking sights and can can be explored by bike, hiking, swimming and climbing.


Create an exploration app where visitors can explore the region using GPS, maps, guides and quiz games to explore safely and learn about the environment.


Locatify created a white-label “Automatic tourist Guide” app with points of interests, guided tours and treasure hunt / quiz challenges. The app uses GPS and maps to guide guests around the Geopark and free to download for both Android and iOS.


“MAGMA UNESCO Global Geopark have worked with Locatify in numerous projects related to GPS based systems to optimize our visitors experience in our geologically and culturally unique area.

Both with guests and schoolchildren, as well as local residents, we find the Locatify apps and systems to be easy to use, highly educational and to enhance the possibility to explore hidden gems.”

Cathrine Johannessen Skogen, Manager, MAGMA UNESCO Global Geopark

The Process

Quick setup, thoughtfully chosen templates and an easy to use content management system makes it easy for anyone to get an app.

Download the App

Get the app for free on Android and iOS ✨

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